Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Their Secret? A Little Casear with a Side of Cobb.

"It's an unwritten rule in the world of professional athletics that the athletes are high demanding. And it's not surprising that World Cup players can be the most demanding of all. Brazil requires their hotel pool to be exactly ninety degrees, no more, no less. Slovakia wants ping pong tables and an electronic dartboard. For the most part these seem reasonable. I mean, the Brazilians are looking for ideal conditions to look after their sore, over-worked muscles and the Slovaks just want to relax. But I would like to pose a question to the members of the Argentinean football squad, who among their many other seemingly unnecessary demands, appear to have a need for fourteen, yes that's ten plus four, different types of salad. Are there even that many kinds of salad in existence? Really though?"

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